Tag Archives: polymer clay ideas

Polymer Clay Sculptures

On the Bright Side – Polymer Clay Sculptures

Recycled Lightbulbs

By the Sea
A Walk in the Park
Stop & Smell the Flowers

 I love to recycle stuff & then use them
in my latest craft projects.
So, for the past 2 years I’ve been saving
burned out light-bulbs to cover with Polymer Clay.
Any kind of light-bulb will do, tiny night-light bulbs,
ceiling fan bulbs, small round refrigerator bulbs,
or even the candelabra type.
I’m always on the look-out for discarded treasures!
It’s a great way to use up
old polymer clay cane slices & ends.
I also have a large collection of empty perfume bottles,
I haven’t decided what I’m going to make
them into, but they smell good & the shapes
are quite unique!

Don’t forget to Kiss a Frog!

Making the Sculptures:

To prepare the light-bulb before covering it with clay,
I always wipe them down with some
isopropol alcohol on a microfiber cloth.
Then, simply apply your canes, smooth them
as you go with your acrylic rod.  My light-bulb
sculptures have a different look
at every angle.  That is especially
true for “By the Sea”.  One side has a star-fish
clinging to it &
the opposite side has an Octopus!
I love to add extra embellishments too!
like glass beads, wire,
wooden shapes (stars, hearts) etc.